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Les programmes économiques de l’administration Biden et les opportunités pour les entreprises québécoises et canadiennes
Date 25 novembre 2021
Heure 12h à 13h45 HNE (UTC -05:00)
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La Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales de l’Université Laval vous convie à ce webinaire en ligne qui se déroulera en anglais.

Perspectives économiques des États-Unis à l’ère de l’administration Biden
Abbas J. Ali
Distinguished University Professor and Director
School of International Management, Eberly College of Business, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Dr. Abbas J. Ali is a distinguished University Professor and Director, School of International Management, Eberly College of Business, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the American Society for Competitiveness.
He has served as a visiting professor at the University of Sharjah, and as a senior Fulbright Scholar at the University of Jordan. He has delivered more than 500 presentations at professional and academic meetings. He also conducted several workshops and training sessions in the U.S. and abroad.
He is a famous keynote speaker at several international seminars and conferences. He has published more than 160 scholarly journal articles and over 20 chapters in scholarly books. He has authored or co-authored nine books. Dr. Abbas J. Ali served as the Editor or guest Editor for several journals.
He is a recipient of many research awards and grants.

Réussir vos projets d’affaires sur un marché américain en pleine mutation
Santiago Bravo
Conseiller expert, Exportations et Internationalisation - Centre et Ouest des États-Unis
Investissement Québec international
Mr. Santiago Bravo has more than 20 years of experience in supporting businesses in their expansion projects in foreign markets.
With a vast network of private and public partners, Mr. Santiago Bravo contributes to Quebec's economic development as a specialist advisor in international affairs at Investissement Québec International.
Currently, he is supporting technology companies (AI, Fintech, Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Agirtech and others) in their expansion plans for the US market.

Christian Keen
Professeur de commerce international et entrepreneuriat
Faculté des sciences de l’administration, Université Laval

Muhammad Mohiuddin
Professeur agrégé de commerce international
Directeur du GERAC
Faculté des sciences de l’administration, Université Laval
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