From a bottomless basket to a middle-income country: Bangladesh’s development surprise
Date 18 octobre 2018
Heure 12h30 à 14h
Lieu Salle Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (1609)
Pavillon Palasis-Prince
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Stationnement ($)
Événement gratuit
À propos de
Conférence de la Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales et du GERAC
La conférence sera présentée en anglais.

Dr. Samim Al Azad
Assistant Professor
School of Business & Economics, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
After completing his PhD in Business Administration from Seoul National University, South Korea, in 2015, Mr. Samim Al Azad has been an assistant professor at North South University, Bangladesh. Before that, he worked as a MIS officer at BRAC (world largest NGO that deals with microfinance and so on) dealing with projects funded by the UNDP and WHO. He has published many articles in peer-reviewed journals and participated in numerous international conferences.

Informations utiles
Dr Zhan Su
(418) 656‐2085