An Examination of Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Management Research

Date 6 février 2019

Heure 12h30 à 15h

Lieu Salle Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (1609)
Pavillon Palasis-Prince
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval

Événement gratuit

À propos de

La Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales vous invite à assister à une conférence présentée par Hamid Yeganeh, professeur de management et de gestion internationale à la Winona State University of Minnesota.

La conférence sera présentée en anglais, mais la discussion en français.

Hamid Yeganeh

Dr. Hamid Yeganeh

Professor of Management and International Business
Winona State University, Minnesota, USA

Hamid Yeganeh is a professor of management and international business at Winona State University in Minnesota, USA. His research focuses on cross-cultural management as well as methodology in cross-cultural management research. He has presented his research in leading international conferences all over the world and published in many international business journals of high reputation such as Journal of International Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Cross-Cultural Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Organizational Analysis. He is also author of 3 books.

Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky

Informations utiles

Zhan Su
418 656-2085