Les élections de mi-mandat aux États-Unis: les implications pour les entreprises québécoises
Date 17 novembre 2022
Heure 12h30 à 14h30 HNE (UTC -05:00)
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La Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales de l’Université Laval et Québec International vous invitent à une conférence en ligne ayant pour thème : Post-Midterm Elections of the USA: Implications for Quebec Businesses (Les entreprises québécoises aux États-Unis après les élections de mi-mandat).
La conférence se déroulera en anglais.
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Québec Government Offices in the United States at the Service of the Development of Québec Businesses
M. Vincent Royer
Directeur – Direction États-Unis, ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du gouvernement du Québec

Economic and Political Outlook of the United States and Implications for Quebec Businesses
M. Jean-François Hould
Directeur du Bureau du Québec à Washington

Québec International: a Key Partner for Business Growth at Home and Abroad
Mme Davina Michel
Directrice développement des affaires - Exportation, Québec International

Alfred Technologies’ Adventure in the US Market
M. Guy Doucet
Président-directeur général, Alfred Technologies Inc.

Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin
Professeur agrégé de commerce international, Université Laval
Pour revoir les ateliers
Vincent Royer

Directeur – Direction États-Unis, ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du gouvernement du Québec
Working at the Ministry of International Relations and La Francophonie of the government of Québec since 2002, Mr. Vincent Royer eminently served as climate change coordinator within the International Organizations and Global Issues Department before becoming its director in 2014. As the Director of the United States Division of the Ministry since July 2019, his mandate includes the planning, development and implementation of Quebec's policy and international action with regard to the United States. He coordinates the international action of government departments and agencies, in addition to being responsible for carrying out the missions of the Premier Minister. He also ensures the development and maintenance of Quebec's diplomatic relations with the United States and supports the actions of the nine representations of the Quebec government in this territory. A 1999 graduate of Laval University’s Law School, Mr. Vincent Royer obtained a master's degree in international relations from the University of Bristol, England in 2002.
Davina Michel

Directrice développement des affaires - Exportation, Québec International
Director - Foreign Market Development at Québec International, Ms. Davina Michel is currently in charge of “Cellules d’Exportation” program which is aimed at helping Quebec firms increase their sales abroad. She has a very rich international experience, having lived and worked in seven different countries. Her last overseas posting was in California where she managed the sales development for a Quebec manufacturing company. Since 2017, she has been an ambassador for InterNations, the largest global expat network in the world. She founded the Quebec chapter of this organisation, which now has more than 1500 members. She bagged an MBA degree in international business from Université Laval, and she is a recipient of the Global Awards for her commitment to the Quebec community.
Jean-François Hould

Directeur du Bureau du Québec à Washington
Mr. Jean-François Hould began his third posting in the United States in July 2020, as Director of the Quebec Government Office in Washington, where he is responsible for furthering Quebec’s bilateral relations with the U.S. federal government. This strategic post in the American capital builds on his past successes supporting Quebec’s economic and political interests in the United States. Previously, he served as Quebec’s Representative in Chicago. He was particularly involved in Great Lakes issues and trade between 2017-2019. He also served as Cultural Attaché in New York between 2011-2014, promoting Quebec’s artistic development in the Mid-Atlantic. He has a long history of public service beginning his governmental career in 2001. He was appointed to various political positions in ministerial cabinets including serving as Deputy Chief of Staff and Political Advisor to the Minister of Culture, and Chief of Staff to the Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie. Mr. Jean-François Hould graduated from the University of Montreal in 2003, and furthered his studies at Université Laval and at HEC, Montreal.
Guy Doucet

Président-directeur général, Alfred Technologies Inc.
Mr. Guy Doucet is an entrepreneur and certified corporate director (ASC), having completed the university certification program in corporate governance from the College of Corporate Directors of Université Laval in 2012. He is the principal shareholder, CEO and President of Alfred Technologies Inc., a company established in Quebec City and an international leader in the management of inventories and supplies of wines and spirits in the hospitality industry. The Alfred solution, powered by artificial intelligence, ensures that the efforts dedicated to inventory management is minimal, while maximizing profitability. From 1991 to 2005, he was President and CEO of Harfan Technologies Inc., a company he personally founded. He also serves on several boards of directors of private and public companies, in addition to being involved in several social causes.
Muhammad Mohiuddin

Professeur agrégé de commerce international, Université Laval
Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin is an Associate Professor of International Business at Université Laval, Canada. He taught at Thompson Rivers University, Canada; University of Paris-Est, France; Osnabruck University of Applied Science, Germany; Shanghai Institute of Technology, and Tianjin University of Technology, China. His researches focus on offshore outsourcing and global value chain, emerging country markets, and industry 4.0 and international business. Dr. Mohiuddin is a Co-Managing Editor of Transnational Corporations Review [Scopus, ESCI, ABS and ABDC]. He currently serves as Director of Research Group on Contemporary Asia (GERAC) at Université Laval.
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