Conférence–Preparing Yourself to be a Successful Global Manager

Date 28 mars 2019

Heure 17h à 18h

Lieu Amphithéâtre IBM (0610)
Pavillon Palasis-Prince
2325, rue de la Terrasse
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Événement gratuit

À propos de

La Chaire Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky en gestion des affaires internationales vous invite à assister à une conférence présentée par Jacky Hui, directeur des ventes chez Robotiq.

La conférence sera présentée en anglais.

Jacky Hui

Jacky Hui

Directeur des ventes

Originally from Hong Kong, Jacky Hui lived in various countries including South Africa, China, Madagascar and Canada. He attended Université Laval where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics in 2015 and an MBA degree in Global Business in 2018. After graduating from Université Laval, Jacky Hui joined Robotiq as Channel Sales Manager-Asia & Pacific. During his studies at Université Laval, Jacky Hui developed a great passion for international affairs and strong skills in multilingualism. He was actively involved in many international activities such as the Université Laval Trade Mission, the International Exchange Program, the Buddy Program for International Students and the Canadian Youth Voice Ambassador. He also held various positions of responsibility at AIESEC-Université Laval, including Vice President of Marketing and Communication, Proxy President and Vice President of Finance and Business Development. Over the last few years, Jacky Hui has helped several companies in their process of internationalization. He is also a speaker on topics related to international business.

Informations utiles

Zhan Su
418 656-2085